Attendance Information
ATTENDANCE (Full Board Policy)
In the event that you need to report your child absent, please call 330-896-7583 or submit online Please note that failure to report your student absent will result in an unexcused absence.
Board Policy and State Law accepts the following reasons for absences. The Board of Education reserves the right to verify such absences and to investigate the cause of each single absence:
- Personal illness
- Critical illness in the family
- Quarantine of the home
- Death in the family
- Observation of a religious holiday
- Such good cause as may be acceptable to the Principal/Superintendent
After 10 absences (65 hours missed including any tardies or early dismissals), families will be required to present a note from a registered physician in order for future absences to be considered excused.
Any student arriving at school after the TARDY bell rings (8:55 a.m.) must be accompanied by a parent when signing in tardy. If a student is going to be excused early from school, a written explanation from the parent/guardian must be turned in to the office on the morning of the early dismissal. In the interest of security and student safety, telephone calls for early dismissal cannot be honored after 1:00 p.m. during the school day.
Students who take vacations during school are required to return the vacation form signed by the parent and have each of their teachers sign the form as well, several days prior to leaving.